NSDF@CHESS Democratizing the Cornel Light Source!

CHESS, a state-of-the-art seven-beamlines synchrotron radiation facility at Cornell University, serves over 1000 visitors yearly and stores petabytes of data. The National Science Data Fabric (NSDF) addresses the problem of assisting CHESS in democratizing access to its data to external users, especially those at MSI and disadvantaged institutions with extremely limited capabilities while providing training for data-intensive science and the use of resources such as Chameleon or CloudLab.

June 28, 2023


Valerio Pascucci, John R. Parks Inaugural Endowed Chair Professor, Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute at the University of Utah

Giorgio Scorzelli, Director of Software Development, Scientific Computing Institute, University of Utah


Valerio Pascucci, John R. Parks Inaugural Endowed Chair Professor, Scientific Computing and Imaging Institute at the University of Utah LinkedIn

Giorgio Scorzelli, Director of Software Development, Scientific Computing Institute, University of Utah LinkedIn


June 28, 2023