Mid-scale Research Infrastructure Project Management Webinars

Part I: Mid-scale Project Planning & Management

Part II: Mid-scale Project Design and Development and Project Definition

Part III: Mid-scale Project Performance Management

February 28, 2023

12:00PM – 1:30PM EST

An introduction to NSF Project Management (PM) concepts and development of Project Execution Plan (PEP) for those considering Research Infrastructure (RI) Mid-scale projects.  Presented topics include basic PM concepts for RI projects receiving financial assistance through Cooperative Agreements (CA), an overview and first steps in developing PEP for Mid-scale projects in accordance with the NSF’s RI Guide (RIG) to improve response to NSF solicitations.  First two components of the PEP (Introduction and Organization) will be discussed in detail.

March 28, 2023

12:00PM – 1:30PM EST

Webinar 2 will pick up from previous Webinar and continue presentation on development of PEP, with detailed discussions on developing Design/Development and Project Definition PEP components, including Work Breakdown Structures (WBS), project milestones and schedules, Basis of Estimate (BoE), and budgets for control and mitigation of project risks, to arrive at Total Project Cost (TPC).

April 25, 2023

12:00PM – 1:30PM EST

Webinar 3 will pick up from previous Webinar, finishing presentation on development of remaining components of the PEP, and finish with discussions of various performance management techniques scalable and tailorable to satisfy minimum NSF requirements with efficiency, while satisfying NSF’s statutory obligations for managing and oversight of Mid-scale RI projects.

The webinars will be useful for those submitting proposals to NSF’s Mid-scale RI and RI2 program, current Mid-Scale RI awardees and all others wishing to add to their project management knowledge.

Sessions may offer PDUs for Project Management Institution (PMI) Certifications. Course IDs will be provided with your certificate of participation if you indicate during registration that you are interested in PDUs.

For those who cannot attend the live webinar, all recorded webinar sessions will be available on-demand in the Knowledge Sharing Gateway shortly after the event. To stay informed of future Large Facilities Office events, sign up to Get Notified.

Speaking Opportunities

NSF - Research Infrastructure Outreach

If you are interested in speaking, have examples to share, questions to ask, or have other related topic suggestions, please contact us at rioutreach@nsf.gov.


Registering in advance for the Webinar is recommended and will help us plan for engagement. On the day of the event, you will be allowed to register and receive access the same day.

Yes. On-demand videos of our previous Webinars can be found on the Research Infrastructure Knowledge Sharing Gateway.

Agendas for each event are posted as soon as they are available on the event webpage.

The Large Facilities Office intends to host one-day Webinars on a quarterly basis via Zoom, with a focus on select topics.

Technical Information

We will be using Zoom to host all Research Infrastructure Webinars.  We recommend that you verify the system requirements below prior to joining the Webinars:

Zoom’s Bandwidth Requirements are:

For more information please visit Zoom

  • It can help to close other tabs, browsers, and programs while streaming the live webinar. It also may help to hardwire your Internet connection instead of using a wireless network connection.
  • If you are having trouble hearing the Webinar audio, check the volume on your computer and on your video player.
  • If your computer screen freezes, please refresh your browser.
  • If you lose access to the event, please try to log back in before contacting IT support.
  • All presentations will be recorded and made available in the Knowledge Sharing Gateway shortly after the Webinar.

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Code of conduct. Be respectful, be considerate, and do not harass. There is zero tolerance for online harassment. Harassment includes cyberstalking, hateful speech and threats, and intentional flooding of a person or institution’s phone or email accounts. Immediately report any bad behavior to RIOutreach@nsf.gov. The organizers will address the issue, which may include removing the participant.