- Engage with other workshop attendees who are interested in the same subject/discipline as yourself. This could lead to future collaboration.
- Disseminate your work among the research infrastructure community
- Receive helpful insights into your work or research
We encourage all in-person attendees to present their poster in- person at the workshop in Boulder, Colorado. Poster presenters will be assigned a timeslot during the main workshop on Tuesday, September 13 through Thursday, September 15. Presenters will be allowed to setup on the morning of their poster session presentation.
There will also be a virtual poster session on Monday, September 12 from 4-4:40 PM MDT for virtual attendees. In-person attendees may opt to also present their poster at the virtual poster session, in addition to in-person.

Poster Session Format
These poster sessions will be relatively informal. We recommend preparing a 1-2 minute explanation of your poster and being ready to engage with participants about your topic.
What Topic Should I Choose?
This is an opportunity to highlight your facility: describe the work you or your team are doing, your approach to a challenge, or a project you are working on. Consider presenting on an operational best practice or process you have optimized or discussing current ideas on scientific research. It’s your choice.
Preparing for a Poster Session
Do you have questions about how to create a poster, or are you not sure what to expect at a poster session? Here are some articles to give you an idea of how to create a poster as well as some example posters.
Due Dates
Poster abstracts or descriptions and accompanying details for both in-person and virtual posters must be submitted by August 31. Virtual Posters in PDF format only may be submitted by August 31.
In-Person Posters
Please download and fill out the poster detail form linked below with your poster information and email it to: rioutreach@nsf.gov
Download the form here: In-Person Poster Detail Form
Posters can be displayed on a rolling, double-sided poster board. We are providing two poster sizes:
- Size 1: 36 inches by 48 inches
- Size 2: 24 inches by 36 inches
Shipping Instructions
Your poster can be shipped up to 10 days in advance and addressed to:
Attn: Research Infrastructure Workshop
3090 Center Green Drive
Boulder, CO 80305
You are responsible for coordinating and paying for shipping your poster to and from Boulder, CO. For your convenience, you may drop off your packaged and labeled shipment at the registration desk at the conclusion of the workshop.
While you are free to print and ship your posters from any printing and/or shipping company you choose, here are some printing and shipping instructions to give you an idea of what to expect: https://www.theupsstore.com/print/banners-posters
Virtual Posters
If you are submitting a virtual poster, please download and fill out the poster detail form linked below with your poster information and email it to: rioutreach@nsf.gov. Image specifications are contained within the form.
Download the form here: Virtual Poster Detail Form
To ensure we can receive and download your multimedia, please put all your PDFs and photos in a zip folder when you attach them to your email with your completed form. Here are instructions for how to do this: https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Zip-File