Clarification on What Constitutes a Mid-scale Research Infrastructure Award
The purpose of this session is to clarify NSF’s definition on what constitutes a Mid-scale Research Infrastructure (Mid-scale RI) award. In August 2023, NSF’s Office of Budget, Finance, and Award (BFA) Management implemented a reorganization which impacts the mid-scale RI award portfolio and began transferring all Mid-scale RI awards from the Division of Grants and Agreements (DGA) to the Division of Acquisition and Cooperative Support, Infrastructure Support Branch (DACS/ISB). The intent of this reorganization was to ensure consistent Mid-Scale RI award management and oversight while allowing BFA to match its work with the complexity of the proposed activities given the wide spectrum of mid-scale RI projects and programs.
Tim Kashmer, Branch Chief, Division of Acquisition and Cooperative Support, Infrastructure Support Branch (DACS/ISB)
Lisa Smith, Grant and Agreements Specialist, Division of Acquisition and Cooperative Support, Infrastructure Support Branch (DACS/ISB)
Kapua Hatch, Grant and Agreements Specialist, Division of Acquisition and Cooperative Support, Infrastructure Support Branch (DACS/ISB)
Tuesday, March 26, 2024